SALE OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCT (PULLING)                          Top

As a heavy humidity and having more than 100 inch rainfall Navsari District having very good potential of Horticulture crop likes chikoo(Photgraphs).the chikoo fruit have great medicinal value; it is full of minerals and vitamins.

Chiku Content

PROTEIN (N x 6.25) 2.61 %
2 FAT 2.30 %
3 FIBER 9.70 %
4 MINERALS 1.74 %
6 CALCIUM 94.55 mg. / 100 gm.
7  PHOSPHORUS 36.06 mg. / 100 gm.
8 IRON 2.16 mg. / 100 gm.
9 VITAMIN ‘A’ 446 IU   / 100 gm.
10 VITAMIN ‘C’ 3.50 mg. /  100 gm.

Scientific Name
: B.N.Manilkara achtus E.
: Sapotaceae
: Maxico
: Well drained, Fertile, Sandy loarn, Medium black
:Tropical climate, Avg. rainfall 125-250cm.,  Temp. 11 – 34 C.  
: Kalipatti, Pilipatti, Cricket ball etc.
Planting Time Grafts
: August – Sept.
Planting Distance
: 10 M X 10 M
Propagation Method
: By simple approach grafting 
Manure & Fertilizer
: F.Y.M.  50kg./tree  
Harvesting Time
: Feb. – April
: Chikoo bud borer, Bark eating caterpillar etc.
: Leaf spot, Wilt sooty mould etc.
: 120-150 Kg. Fruits / tree / year

Since sapota is a crop of warm and humid tropics, it can be planted in any season provided irrigation facilities are available. But it is beneficial to plant the grafts in beginning of the rainy season. In areas having heavy rainfall, it can be planted in September. In light soils pits of 60 cm x 60 cm x 60 cm size, whereas in heavy and gravely soils pits of 100 cm x 100 cm x 100 cm size are made in April May and exposed to sun for 15days. Top 30cm soil is mixed with equal quantity of well rotten compost or farmyard manure, 3kg super phosphate and 1.5kg muriate of potash are used for pit filling. To begin with all sides and bottom of the pit are dusted with 5% BHC dust and pits mixture is added to fill the pit and remaining vacant space is filled with remaining soil to height of 15cm above soil surface. Such pits are left to monsoon rains for settling and then planting is done at appropriate time. At the time of planting, a small hole sufficient to accommodate the ball of soil and roots of grafts is made in the centre of the pit and planted with scion in the direction of heavy wind to avoid damage to joint. After planting soil around the plant is gently and firmly pressed and stakes are provided to avoid sun heat. The plants are then lightly watered. Young plants should also be protected against sunscald by providing dry grass thatch on top ad three sides excepting the south-east for sunlight. Such well cared plants establish fast.
     Since sapota tree makes uniform all round growth, square system of planting is recommended. However, in lands with 5-15 % slope, contour planting is recommended. Depending on growth habit, sapota orchards are planted at 10x 10cm but being slower in growth, it takes longer period to occupy allotted space. Therefore, high density plantations having 5 m x 5 m spacing up to the age of 13 years are very remunerative. Thereafter yields begin to decline.

Harvesting is done at regular interval of 15 to 22 days. Chikoo harvesting is a laborious job. It is only labor oriented process. For harvesting the chikoo usually the farmer has to climb a tree with bedi (a trap having bamboo stick and wire net) and Khera (nylon threaded bag having rope) He has to peak the fruit from braches as per visual maturity and size Photograph. At last the chikoo collect and grade it in various sizes and send it to collection centre.

 Grading and Packing:

The sale of chikoo is mainly done in the cities like Delhi and Jaipur and we are marketing them successfully with good rates. All member farmers are bringing their chikoo at our two location within our 17 villages separated as per farmers desire in different grade. From each grade random sampleling of 10 kg. is taken, and counting of the sample is done by the employee of mandali Computerised slip is given to the farmer which contain all detail of chiku like grade wise weight ,having number in each grade and extra rate for quality of chiku. then as per market acceptable grade , we are grading it through machine in three grades Viz.Extra large, Big and Mix grade with colorful Packing(Watch Video)
Photograph As chikoo fruit is highly perishable the total production brought by farmer is dispatch on the same day. 98 % dispatch of chikoo send to Delhi APMC (Azadpur Subjimandi, Which is Asia’s largest fruit & Vegetable market.) Photograph The total dispatch of chikoo is reached in the market after 32 hour (third day).
          As soon as the rates or opened in the market, the rates are displayed on the board at Delhi and all details rate and sale send to us by our commission agent through mail and SMS. As per the Rate and sales detail mandali distribute the amount to the farmer at interim base. At the end of the year rest amount of the sale proceeds (net of expenses) distributed to them. (Which is 7 % to 11%) The chikoo crop is available whole the year, but the peak season is during November to April.

Competetive Strength of Amalsad's Agro-processing and Marketing Function for Chikku,,,,